In STRAIGHT OUTTA TOMPKINS, Zephyr Benson stars as a forlorn teenager abandoned in New York City who mistakes the welcoming embrace of a Lower East Side drug dealer for the love of family. Quickly falling in with a fast crowd and surfing a high of mixology, pills and the absurdity of the party lifestyle, he quickly learns that these friends come with a price. This film hopes to shine a light on the reality of being a teenager in America these days. With more and more teenagers arriving from overseas to study in America, they are experiencing these issues. Many of them are unaware of the laws and legislation in this country, so they are getting involved with the wrong sort of people.
In America, a lot of underage students will try and experience the nightlife long before they are legally supposed to. With the help of fake IDs, more teenagers are getting into clubs easily. It’s become a lot easier to access a fake ID these days. By just searching how to get fake id online, teenagers will be provided with multiple websites that offer these IDs, allowing them into clubs. Of course, underage drinking isn’t advised, but many people do it. Similarly, many teenagers in America experience drug use and other things at a young age, especially if they mix with the wrong crowds.
This film focuses on the issues that teenagers face in America. Hopefully, people will relate to this story and they should enjoy it when it’s released.
We open STRAIGHT OUTTA TOMPKINS this Friday at the NoHo 7. Writer-director-lead actor Zephyr Benson and producer David Rudd will participate in Q&A’s after the 7:50 PM screening on Saturday, March 7th and after the 3:20 screening on Sunday, March 8th. Hopefully, people will enjoy it and share it with their friends.